1:- What is Knowledge?
2:- Who owns it?
3:- How can it be best be "Taught" or "Transmitted"
1:- What is "Knowledge"?
• Knowledge is a human ability and not an object’s aspect, as for example, a book. Its transmission involves an intellectual process of education and learning. To transmit information is easy, more than to transmit knowledge. This entails that when we talk about knowledge managing, we mean that we help people to carry out this activity.
• Knowledge has no value if it remains static. It only generates value while moving, that is to say, when it’s being transmitted or converted.
• Knowledge generates knowledge through the use of reasoning or inference (both by humans and machines).
• Knowledge is structured and created; it needs the existence of rich semantic relations between abstract or material entities. A simple database, however records it has, does not constitute knowledge per se.
• Knowledge is always slave of a context. So, to its transmission is necessary that addresser (teacher) knows the context or model of the addressee’s (trainee) world.
• Knowledge can be explicit (when it can be collected, manipulated and transferred easily) or tacit. This is the case of heuristic knowledge that comes from accumulated individuals’ experience.
• Knowledge can be formalized at different levels, even being informal. The most part of verbal knowledge transferred is informal.
• Knowledge is the ability to convert data and information in effective actions.
• "Knowledge" (In the view of Genius People of World):
(i) Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (S.A.W.W):
• We have to gain knowledge from cradle to grave.
(ii) Hazrat Ali Ibn-e-Imran (A.S):
•Wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are best marks of distinction.
•The knowledge is very superficial which remains only on your tongue; the intrinsic merit and volume of knowledge is that you act upon it.
•There are many educated people who have ruined their future on account of their ignorance of religion. Their knowledge did not prove of any avail to them.
•Your supremacy over others is proportion to extent of your knowledge and wisdom.
(iii) Alexander Pope:
• A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pier Ian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.
(Probably the source of the saying, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing)
(iv) Anais Nin:
• The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.
(v) Bertrand Russell:
•The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
(vi) Daniel J. Boorstin:
•Knowledge is not simply another commodity. On the contrary, Knowledge is never used up. It increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion.
(vii) Dean William R. Inge:
• The aim of education is the knowledge not of fact, but of values.
(viii) Frank Herbert:
• The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.
(ix) Horace Mann:
• Virtue is an angel, but she is a blind one, and must ask Knowledge to show her the pathway that leads to her goal.
(x) James Madison:
• Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.
2:- Who owns the knowledge?
Knowledge or wisdom is really properties of a faithful follower of God, Though lost to him, get back though you may have to get them from apostates. Value of each man depends upon the knowledge and skill which he has attained. Knowledge is power. It is truth because it gives us strength. Knowledge gives us sense to live in the world. It teaches us how to deal with people and how to come on over problems. Without knowledge man is like an animal. He does not know the social and religious manner. One can live without money but it is difficult to live without knowledge. So every one should love to gain knowledge as it makes us strong able and powerful.
The human minds are receptacles of the secrets of knowledge and wisdom and best receptacle is the one which can hold the most and what it holds it can preserve and protect in the best way. Therefore, there are three kinds of people, one kind is of those learned people who are highly versed in the ethics of truth and philosophy of religion, second is the kind of those who are acquiring the above knowledge, and the third kind is that class of people who are uneducated. They follow every pretender and accept every slogan; they have neither acquired any knowledge nor have secured support of firm and rational convictions.
Knowledge is better than and superior to wealth because protects you and you have to guard wealth; because wealth decreases if you keep on spending it and knowledge increases the more you make use of it; and because what you get through wealth disappears as soon as wealth disappears, but what you achieve through knowledge will remain even after you ( science, philosophy and arts are still there in this world though scientist, philosophers and men of art have died thousands of year back). Knowledge is power and it can command obedience and following; a man of knowledge during his life time can make people obey and follow him and he is praised and venerated after his death; remember that knowledge is a ruler and wealth is its subject.
Those who amass wealth though alive yet are dead to realities of life and those who gather knowledge will remain alive through their knowledge and wisdom even after their death; though their faces may disappear from the community of living beings yet their ideas, the knowledge which they had left behind them and their memory will remain in the minds of men. The knowledge which they have acquired has made them see the realities and visualize the truth, and has instilled into them the spirit of faith and trust. The duties which were decreed as hard and sufferable by ease loving and easy going people are considered easy and bearable by them. They feel happy in the company and association of things which frighten the ignorant and uneducated. They live in this world like everybody else but their souls sour the heights of heavenly eminence. So it can be say that "One who acquires vision becomes wise, and one who attains wisdom achieves knowledge".
3:- How can it be best be "Taught" or "Transmitted"?
The word knowledge we are talking about is sufficient to be taught as compared with transmission, because we can be knowledgeable by others knowledge but we can not be wise by others wisdom. So it is clear point to explain this phenomenon that knowledge should be taught.
All schools, all colleges, have two great functions: to confer, and to conceal, valuable knowledge. The theological knowledge which they conceal cannot justly be regarded as less valuable than that which they reveal. That is, when a man is buying a basket of strawberries it can profit him to know that the bottom half of it is rotten.
Society, community, family are all conserving institutions. They try to maintain stability, and to prevent, or at least to slow down, change. But the organization of the post-capitalist society of organizations is destabilized. Because its function is to put knowledge to work -- on tools, processes, and products; on work; on knowledge itself -- it must be organized for constant change.
Types of Knowledge Transfer:-
(i) Socialization:- The very basis of sharing knowledge and experiences.
(ii) Externalization:- The process of turning tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. The knowledge, metaphors or analogies of individuals who have already learned the processes is passed on to neophytes.
(iii) Combination:- The creation of more explicit knowledge by gathering knowledge from other organizations.
(iv) Internalization:- The process of turning explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge by becoming proficient at a process to the extent where we can develop some simpler methods of achieving the same result, or achieving the result in less time.
So it is concluded that it is good to transmit knowledge but it is best to taught it because while transmitting we don't care about what is actually right or wrong. We will as it is but while teaching knowledge the pupil will other facts and realities and they will also try to find out the truth behind the world and after this they will fully aware from the heights of skies and depth of oceans.
BY: SaRa Tirmizi
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
New Year--A New Beginning
“Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”
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